Senior Graphic Designer & Art Director James Eade Interview

It’s a pleasure to share the work and interview James Eade aka EnjoyRelax, a Senior Graphic Designer & Art Director from East London. We talk with James about his experiences in industry, twitter, selling online, vinyl toys & more.

Interview Graphic Designer Ruth d’Andilly-Clune

English born designer, Ruth d’Andilly-Clune is extending her design skills to the bustling city of London. Having completed a BA Hons degree in Graphic Design in 2012 at The Lincoln School of Art & Design, she embarked on a 6 month project living and working in Hong Kong.

London-based Designer Jordan Cheung

Today we take a look at some of the inspirational work of Deptford-based designer and graduate of Goldsmiths University Jordan Cheung. Having completed his fair share of internships around the city, Jordan has now landed on his feet and has recently signed up to George Grace Represents.