In this post we showcased creative flash websites for your inspiration. We are sure you will get your inspiration flowing and the following list will help you with your own flash website.
Category: Flash
20 Fantastic pseudo-Flash websites
A pseudo-Flash website is one that looks, feels and acts like a Flash website but is in fact built on good old-fashioned HTML and CSS. There is usually also a dash of JavaScript to bring things to life and round out the interface.The result is often beyond what we have come to expect of HTML and CSS, which is why we might assume the website is Flash-based.
Dancing Stars in Flash without ActionScript
In this Flash tutorial you will learn about Movie Clips, working on Guided Layers, use of Tweening Properties, working on different layers. So we will be making Dancing stars using a single star and without using Actionscript. Hopefully it will be having a lot knowledge for you to learn Flash.
Lets make Unlimited Text Effects in Flash
You must have used Swish max for making text effect. Today I’m going to tell you a technique, by using this technique you can make a lot of Text effect of your own desire in Flash. You just have to plan the type of effect and just use this tutorial.
Creating Flash Websites with Wix
There are some definite downsides to building websites with Flash (key being the lack of support for Flash on iOS), but there are still plenty of sites out there that are built on Flash, and that’s unlikely to change any time soon. And sometimes you’re going to have clients who are dead-set on having a Flash website.